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Bahamani Tombs

Tourist Destination

Bahamani Tombs







South India

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Bidar is famous for the collection of 30tombs of the powerful Bahmani rulers who ruled the  Deccan plateau during the medieval era who shifted their capital from Gulbarga to Bidar in the year 1425 CE. These 30 tombs serve as resting places for the monarchs of the sultanate and are huge and lofty with ornate walls, beautiful contemporary arches and niches. One of the most interesting features of the tomb is a swastika symbol on one of the walls of the tomb of Ahmad Shah Al-Wali. A few of the mausoleums were built by the rulers of the Baridshahi Sultanate, one of the five minor kingdoms that formed after the Bahmani Sultanate broke up. The entry to these tombs is located just before Bidar Fort and it makes for a great detour if you are interested in history and architecture. Only one of the covered tombs has been thrown open to visitors that is of Ahmad Shah I.

How to reach


Nearest Airport: Bangalore

Nearest Railway Station: Bidar

Nearest Bus Station: Multani Kaman

 Bus Station





Opening Hours

Opening Time: 24 hrs

Closing Time : 24 hrs


During winter 17°C to 29°C and During summer 25°C to 40°C

Best Time to Visit

November to March



Monument: Bidar Fort

Non Ticketed: Free entry