Search Destination

Ibrahim Rouza

Tourist Destination

Ibrahim Rouza







South India

Our Official Website



Ibrahim Rouza is situated in Bijapur, in Karnataka also known as the ‘Agra of South India’ as it has many majestic monuments. It was the capital city of the Adil Shahi dynasty that go back to 15th century. Ibrahim Adil Shah built this beautiful monument dedicated to Taj Sultana, his queen. King Ibrahim Adil Shah II, his mother Haji Badi Sahiba, Queen Taj Sultana, their two sons and daughter were also buried in this monument. Ibrahim Rouza is a beautiful monument which has beguiling tomb brim-full of rich décor, classy corridors, windows built with perforated stone and buildings that are interconnected. Ibrahim Rouza is a must-visit tourist spot if you are touring Karnataka.

How to reach


Nearest Airport: Bangalore

Nearest Railway Station: Bangalore

Nearest Bus Station: Bangalore

 Bus Station





Opening Hours

Opening Time: 06:00 AM

Closing Time : 06:00 PM


During winter 17°C to 29°C and During summer 21°C to37°C

Best Time to Visit

November to March



Monument: Ibrahim Rouza

Indian Fees: Rs. 25/-

 SAARC: Rs. 25/-

BIMSTEC: Rs. 25/-

FOREIGNER: Rs. 300/-