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Rani Kamlapati Palace

Tourist Destination

Rani Kamlapati Palace




Madhya Pradhesh


Central India

Our Official Website



Rani Kamlapati Palace situated in Kamla Park is a historical significance and tells us about the glorious past of Bhopal. This palace was built by Raja Bhoj during the 18th century. She was the wife of a Hindu Gond Tribe warlord - Nawal Shah. Bhopal was the territory of Gond tribes who owned the palace overlooking the Upper Lake and Lower Lake. Rani Kamlapati Palace is a marvelous architecture of the 18th century built of Lakhauri bricks, cusped arches over crumpled pillars. The merlons are shaped as water lotuses honouring the name of the Queen. It is said that Queen Kamlapati committed suicide by jumping into the lake in 1723. Soon after her demise Sardar Dost took over the palace who built the Fatehgarh Fort on the west side of the Palce. This historical place is now the office for the archaeological survey of India who is its present custodians.

How to reach


Nearest Airport: Bhopal

Nearest Railway Station: Bhopal

Nearest Bus Station: KushabhauThakre ISBT





Opening Hours

Opening Time: 06:00 AM

Closing Time : 06:00 PM


During winter 08°C to 15°C and During summer 16°C to 40°C

Best Time to Visit

Throughout The Year


Monument: Rani Kamlapati Palace

Indian Fees: Rs.15/-

 SAARC: Rs.200/-

BIMSTEC: Rs.15/-