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Tipu Sultan Memorial

Tourist Destination

Tipu Sultan Memorial







South India

Our Official Website



Tipu Sultan built a tomb and mosque (1782-84) as a tribute to his father Haider Ali at the eastern end of his capital, Srirangapatna and his mother Fakr-Un-Nisa is also buried adjacent to his father's cenotaph. After his Tipu Sultan’s death in 1799 his kith and kin of Tipu Sultan chose to bury him along with his parents. The majestic tomb built at the centre of a huge garden is entered through an imposing Naqqar Khana with an arched entrance. The tomb proper is accommodated on a square platform which in turn is surrounded by Khan-Khana of brick-and-lime and corridor having a series of pointed arches. The huge square platform also contains numerous cenotaphs of members of Tipu Sultan's family

How to reach


Nearest Airport: Bangalore

Nearest Railway Station: Srirangapatna

Nearest Bus Station: Gumbaz


Nearest Bus Station: Konark Bus Station





Opening Hours

Opening Time: 08:00 AM

Closing Time : 06:00 PM


During winter 17°C to 32°C and During summer 20°C to 39°C

Best Time to Visit

October  to March


Monument: Tipu Sultan Memorial

Non Ticketed: Free entry