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Tughlaqabad Fort

Tourist Destination

Tughlaqabad Fort




New Delhi


North  India

Our Official Website



Tughlaqabad Fort, is one of the most beautiful Islamic architecture built in the city of Delhi and has a feel of Sultanate sturdiness about its fortifications. It was built by Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq by overtaking the Khilji dynasty and founded the Tughlaq dynasty. It took around 4 years to complete this fort from 1321-25 mainly to stop the ever-invading Mongols rather than an architectural establishment. It takes around an hour or two to visit the entire fort and enjoy the beauty of the fort specially for the students and scholars of the History. It is a famous tourist spot and attracts people from all the fields because of its great fortifications, palaces and citadel, the great gateways. It also has the mausoleum of the founder and first ruler of the fort - Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq and his wife and son.


How to reach


Nearest Airport: Delhi

Nearest Railway Station: New delhi

Nearest Bus Station: Sarai Kale Khan



Nearest Bus Station: Ajanta Foot Cave





Opening Hours

Opening Time: 06:00 AM

Closing Time : 06:00 PM


During winter 03°C to 12°C and During summer 15°C to 45°C

Best Time to Visit

October  to March


Monument: Tughlaqabad Fort

Indian Fees: Rs. 15/-

 SAARC: Rs. 15/-

BIMSTEC: Rs. 15/-

FOREIGNER: Rs. 200/-